Listen to Valerie A. Szarek read “Indigenous” from her new book Soar Ready (now available for purchase online) as she accompanies herself with her Native American Flute.
Medicine Poetry: Flute and Words for your Soul
My name is Valerie A. Szarek and my poetry and art is humanistic, nourished by nature, and crosses the boundaries between the seen and unseen worlds. As a Lyrical Poet, every offering here is an invitation to go deeper. Sharing with you who I am is an opportunity to know yourself and the world in a fuller, richer way. My poetry offers an invitation to know what you know, feel what you feel, and trust your intuition more.
My Writing
I write about recovery, spirit, practice, politics and love. Sometimes all at once. I write because I want to show up for you and for me, for our children and their children, for the mouse in the woods and the heron on the edge of the pond.
My most recent book of poetry, Soar Ready: Medicine Poems for a Changing World is now available. These poems are not merely words inscribed on a page. They are, rather, sacred revelations of one woman’s journey to find her authentic self.
poet • healer • artist•
poet • healer • artist•
poet • healer • artist•
poet • healer • artist•
poet • healer • artist•
Recent Blogs & Poems
On my blog, I share about some other poets and writers that knock my socks off. (Sandals welcome!) I’ll post some musings and excerpts of new poems as well.